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........................... Investing in Health justice: COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Equity

Please join us for our upcoming virtual event: Investing in Health justice: COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Equity on March 30th 12pm-1pm ET. Register here


As COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out, the deep fault lines in our global health system are growing more apparent. Despite commitments to global action, developed nations have bought up nearly all available vaccines. In addition to the moral failings of this approach, it has profound consequences for our global recovery. Join us as a panel of experts discuss the challenges of global vaccine access and what a healthier path for all would entail.



  • Dr. Ana Céspedes, PhD, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, IAVI

  • Dr. Mohga Kamal-Yanni, MPhil, MBE, Policy Advisor, People’s Vaccine Alliance

  • Dr. Nolan Ritcey, PhD, VP Impact Research, Domini

  • Moderator: Corey Klemmer, CFA, Esq., Director of Engagement, Domini