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ValuesAdvisor is a curated, filterable database of financial advisors with impact investing expertise to help you align your investments with your values.
Invest for Better is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that gives women the confidence, skills, and encouragement they need to take control of their assets and use them to influence things they care about.
WISE members can now use this link to receive Basic Membership for $25/year (normally $50) or this link to receive Premium Membership for $150 year (normally $250).
The benefits of each membership type are explained further here.
100 Women in Finance
100 Women in Finance strengthens the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women.